Author a Technical Article for a Journal

Authors may submit articles for consideration in one of seven TMS journals: Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation; JOM; Journal of Electronic Materials; Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy; or Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A or B.

Why Should You Author a Paper?

The benefits to your career include the opportunity to:

  • Share your work with an audience of your peers
  • Develop your writing skills
  • Raise your profile in the materials community

Time Commitment

After writing and submitting the initial paper, journal article authors are expected to set aside a few additional hours to help prepare the article for final publication. This process includes reviewing proofs sent by journal editors and clarifying ideas when necessary.

How to Get Started

Begin by consulting the author's guidelines for the journal of your choice to determine appropriate topics and lengths for your paper and to learn about submission requirements for the individual journals:

Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation
Journal of Electronic Materials
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 

Want to go further with your involvement in TMS technical journals?

Become a Journal Reviewer
Serve as a JOM Advisor or Guest Editor